Saturday Morning Animation Club is a series of online screenings + talks across five weeks between 11 June - 9 July, showcasing films by people who wield the dual powers of being an artist and a nerd.
My screening event (18 June) will be the official premiere of my new work 🚞Openings !!!🚉, an intense video-essay about anime openings, video game loading screens and trains (yes, bear with me). It'll be followed by a little artist talk/commentary and Q&A. You can sign up to the Zoom event HERE. / You can watch a trailer for Openings!!! HERE. MORE INFO ABOUT 🛌 ⏰ Saturday Morning Animation Club 🎞️ 🍿 Unified by an early fascination and involvement with anime and games, each artist focuses in on the worlds and perspectives fandom allows for. From this angle the five videos broaden ideas of human and non-human perception, screen-based experiences, virtual worlds and alternative ways of being. Join us on Saturday mornings for a screening of new video commissions by Emily Mulenga, Petra Szemán, David Blandy, Christian Wright and Bob Bicknell-Knight respectively, followed by a little insider walkthrough and a Q&A (via Zoom). Tied together by a refusal to downplay the enthusiasms and generative energy of fandom, Saturday Morning Animation Club will lead viewers through iterations of animatic worlds, on- and off-screen, with or without player input. Event schedule (all at 10 am UK time): June 11 // Main Character by Emily Mulenga June 18 // Openings !!! by Petra Szemán June 25 // Androids Dream by David Blandy July 2 // Body Language by Christian Wright July 9 // Non-Player Character by Bob Bicknell-Knight CLICK ON THE LINKS in each title above TO SIGN UP FOR THE RELEVANT EVENT!! The screening series has been produced in collaboration with web projects isthisit? and Off Site Project. Attendance of all five screenings will be rewarded with a special prize. The videos were commissioned using funding from Arts Council England as part of On Animatics, a cross-disciplinary project exploring the murky overlapping areas of contemporary art, animation, fandom, avatars and virtual worlds.To conclude the project, the book WEEB THEORY will be released later this year with Banner Repeater, edited by Petra Szemán and Jamie Sutcliffe. |