架空と現実を行き来するSNS時代のアート達 / Crossing Between Fictional and Real, Aster Curator Museum, Kanazawa, JP (14 Jul-17 Nov)
Towards a New Monomyth?, QUAD, Derby, UK (28 Sept-9 Feb)
Artist talk, QUAD, Derby, UK (28 Sept @ 1pm)
Critical Acts: Performance Lectures exploring how power operates in the digital age, with A.N.D at School of Digital Arts (SODA), UK (9 Oct)
ALSO, I have a book !! called WEEB THEORY !
To watch/read: --->
in conversation with anthropologist and otaku researcher Patrick W. Galbraith / CLICK TO WATCH
interview ! (conducted by Gemma Fantacci)
(wanna involve me in a screening/exhibition/talk? e-mail me: [email protected])