MONOMYTH: GAIDEN / master of two worlds (2020)
Master of Two Worlds (2020) is the 4th and final instalment of the Monomyth: gaiden tetralogy. Through an analysis of the position of the protagonist after having undertaken a grand journey through animated worlds, the video starts undoing the constraints of the narrative structure of the monomyth and calls for a lateral approach to storytelling.
The Monomyth: gaiden project on the whole centers the space between the layers that make up our complex image-worlds, the holes in the digital landscape. By pushing these small gaps into focus, you can take up an ongoing ontological position, and rethink what constitutes a self or a mode of experience. Deborah Levitt puts it succinctly in her book The Animatic Apparatus: questioning ‘where images end and bodies begin, where truth or the real might reside, or on what side of this vestigial division between spectator and screen we find “life”.’ Running time: 11 min |