An incomplete roundup of the various media I watched/read/etc over the past few months !
| The Day I Became God / Kamisama ni natta hi 神様になった日 One of my goals this year has been to get through a lot of Maeda Jun’s work (also the writer of Air), because so much of his stuff has had a profound influence on me and I wanted to explore more of his breadth. Maeda’s usual domain is games, but he also worked on three original anime, this being the third one. The initial mystery of Hina apparently becoming an omniscient god was great, and the comedy of the first half was fun to go along with, but this whole things really fell to pieces in the resolution for me. I’ve seen some theorising that Maeda’s own health issues/hospitalisation may have fed into how the story played out, but it just didn’t add up together in the context of end-of-series Hina and Yota for me. Kinda shocked there was no fictional band as a central plot point in this one. The music was great as always though, and I particularly love the ending ’Goodbye seven seas’, the bit after the key change: 生きるだけで大変で 後悔だけが山積みだ ゲームみたいにリセットで はじめからやり直せたら |
Charlotte Continuing with the Key theme, this is Maeda Jun’s second anime. It follows the protagonist who has oddly specific special abilities (can transfer his consciousness into others’ bodies but only for 5 seconds), who gets flagged up by a group of similar teens for misusing his abilities, and forced to transfer into a school for people like them. I read somewhere that the idea for Charlotte was to take all sorts of bits that worked in Angel Beats! and refine them for a more streamlined experience, but tbh I thought actually it had a bit too much in it, more so than Angel Beats? The cast was smaller, but the scale of the happenings reached a lot wider, and because of the episode count limit I thought it was way too condensed. Zhiend came and went, the end bit came and went, it really could’ve gone for twice as long imo. I found it hilarous though that when the protagonist runs away to a place he feels like is super far and at the end of world he actually ends up in Toride lol. Things that stayed with me: Nao talking about her dream of making a music video for Zhiend songs, and how when she listens to them she sees herself in a vast landscape of fields with wind blowing through the grass. As someone who latches onto elements of music when figuring out video visuals, it felt v close to home, and the expanding fields as a sort of non-place or in between place that one is transported to echoes the qualities of what I call „the place without coordinates”, a sort of undefined „somewhere not here”. Actually I’ve been reading a book called Fiction as method, and the introduction refers to Null Island as a fiction that is at the centre of the world, and that’s kind of there too. Putting in the opening because I love it. Also must mention that Charlotte is entry no.3 in the Maeda Jun works I’ve seen where a fictional band is central to the plot. | |
Horimiya I watched this in the background while knitting mostly, picking it up because I saw people on twitter talking about it. It was nice, but a bit boring, because every discordance was basically immediately resolved within the episode; all the couples you thought would get together got together, all the bullies realised their wrongful ways and became good people, etc etc. Maybe a bit too wholesome! It wasn’t bad or anything though. |
The colors within / Kimi no iroきみの色 Apparently this is coming out in the UK in January 2025? I watched it in the summer while in Japan. I had a great time with this film. It was really gay! Also maybe I have a thing for media with bands in it. As I watched it, I had a very strong sense that I was watching it from a very different context than the average Japanese audience, having grown up in a a primarily christian country (the setting for the film is a religious (catholic?) school in Japan) where the religion carries different connotations. That was a super interesting experience. I’m excited to see what the director will do next, as I love her work. |
| Robotics;notes I started watching this on the ferry to Tanegashima, the island where it takes place, that I was visiting in the spring for a research trip because it’s also where 5 Centimetres Per Second takes place. I loved elements of this! I didn’t like the how it unfolded in the end, but until then, I loved the mystery of Airi and looking for the fragments of the Kimijima reports across the island. The ending song is perfect. |
Skullface Bookseller Honda-san This is my favourite comedy of the year I think. It’s funny! The voice actor cast is actually insane! Hits close to home because I read a lot! I love how every character has a strange mask and that becomes their identity. Each episode is only 10 min, I highly recommend for a fun and slightly meta time. |
| Hibike! Euphonium season 3 I watched the final season of Hibike! Euphonium as it was coming out – those who are familiar with my work may recall that it actually even gets mentioned by name in one of my videos. I had interesting conversations earlier in the year with Paul Ocone while in Japan, particularly concerning the queerness in Eupho, and I’m kind of angered that S3 went how I thought it would, with the queerbaiting ending in a very ’baiting’ category, which I’m honestly quite sick of from the Kyoto Animation. And I’m a queer that has been baited many a time !! But it’s just disheartening to see how much of the Kyoani works hinge majorly on queerbaiting elements, and they rarely if ever pull through. That aside – the bits of S3 I didn’t like were the parts of it that signalled that Eupho was coming to an end, and I didn’t want it to end, so I loved it, but also hated it, at the same this. This hate is from the heart though, because I didn’t want to see anyone leave, I didn’t want Kumiko to pass on Asuka’s song to others, I didn’t want to meet new members, I didn’t want them to graduate. Which is to say I loved it. There was shockingly little music in the early episodes, but also it made sense because of the shifting focus from the music to music+life, the life part getting larger and more threatening as one approaches graduation from high school. My criticism aside from the queerbaiting is that I wish Reina went through actual character growth – I wish she failed at points of the season and had to learn from it. Oh well. It’s still weird to think how this is the end of Eupho. |
Golden Kamuy I’m midway through a reread of Golden Kamuy, in Japanese for the first time, bc the last time I read it 4ish years ago my language ability wasn’t good enough yet. It’s one of my most favourite manga ever, as a perfect combination of intense action, harrowing themes and beautiful camaraderie. It follows a wandering soldier traumatised by the Russo-Japanese war, and a native Ainu girl who team up to track down stolen gold with a complex history. Please read Golden Kamuy, I don’t know what else to say. It’s grim, it’s hilarious, it’s fun, it’s heartbreaking. |
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Kawakami Mieko: Heaven I wanted to read another Kawakami Mieko novel after reading Kiiroi ie (Sisters in yellow) last year and loving it, but Heaven just didn’t deliver for me. I got really tired of it about halfway through and it took a lot of effort to finish. I think my main issue was with Kojima’s behaviour, how she kind of edges on manic pixie dream girl-esque territories in the beginning, but then refuses to engage with anything outside of her belief system, and then turns into more of a piece of symbolism than a real character? For me at least. Sisters in yellow was awesome though, and I think the english translation is coming out soon as well. |
Re:member Re:member is the companion book to the game/anime Idolish7 that tells the detailed backstory of Re:vale in both its old and new forms. I read the companion manga that covers the same content many times, but the novel was a great expansion to that. I particularly loved the bits focusing on Momo’s internal struggle and self-hatred upon joining Re:vale, and his deep disdain for himself when he catches himself in a moment of happiness. It’s the most delicious internal turmoil! I feel like this is what marks the strength of Tsushimi Bunta, the writer, for me – it’s the plotlines involving deep self-hatred that hit the hardest. |
The voices of a distant star / Hoshi no koe ほしのこえ This is a book based on the short film by Shinkai Makoto of the same title, which btw I also screened for my students earlier this semester. It’s a story of a young boy and girl after the girl gets chosen to be sent off to space to fight a myterious alien race called the Tarsians. They keep in touch via text messages, but with the distance between them growing larger and larger due to space travel and warp jumps, the time it takes for the messages to arrive grows too, eventually throwing their timelines out of sync. I got a lot out of the book – the film is only 20 minutes, so there’s a lot of extra detail in the pages, and I understood the characters a lot more as people. My favourite part in when the heroine Mikako comes into contact with a Tarsian and sees visions of her younger and older selves standing on two sides of a railtrack, separated by a cargo train running across. |
Even Holm: Termush A lot of my reading this year has been in Japanese, kind of a side effect of not living in Japan full-time and trying to upkeep my language capabilities. To break with the habit a little I picked up this book, apparently a Danish scifi classic from the 60s that I was recommended by a friend. It was unnerving and fun! It’s very short. I wish it went on longer. As the book proceeds, more and more of the prose unravels and looses its grip on reality. |
James S. A. Corey: The Expanse I’ve been listening to the audiobooks of The Expanse series for ages, it’s seemingly infitie. I’m currently in book 6, Babylon’s Ashes. I love it all, but I particularly enjoyed book 5, Nemesis Games, as it was the first time I think that members of the core gang aside from Holden got narrator roles, and it was thrilling to see them on separate journeys before eventually coming together again. Also the scale of disaster is massive in that one !! |
Idolish7 part 4 I finally played through/read Part 4 of the visual novel part of Idolish7, a game and subsequent anime I have a very normal and measured relationship with. Idolish7 largely follows the eponymous idol group with its seven members, as well as 3 additional smaller groups. Each part of the story focuses on different things, there’s 6 in total so far. The anime adaptation with its 3 seasons covers the first three parts. The pacing of Part 4 was a bit unsteady for me, especially in the second half, but there were loads of elements I loved. As always, there’s tons that was genuinely traumatising and heartbreaking that I’m absolutely not ready to see animated when the anime gets to them, and lots of performances and funny bits that I can’t wait to see move. It’s really the intensity of the drama that drives Idolish7 forward, but after the initial crisis is cleared up the pacing becomes a bit strange. I’ll take a break now before moving onto part 5. |
Dragon Quest XI I started playing this game in 2020 – don’t laugh at me. I’m a very slow gamer, it’s hard for me to find the time, and especially with something so lore-heavy it took me forever to set up a schedule that was realistic to maintain but I also didn’t forget what the plot was between each playthrough. I got back into it earlier in the year and reached a sort of halfway point in the story at which stage the protagonist turns into a fucking fish, which I was so dismayed by that I put the game down for 6 months lol. I eventually picked it back up in the summer and really got into it – I loved the second half of this game! The story of Gureigu and Homeros (Hendrik and Jasper in the English) was heartbreaking, I loved it. Peak doomed [redacted]. Not ready to use the y-word on my professional website. My only problem is that after completion, the post-game content (including time-travel malarky) feels very much like main game content, so I feel the urge to complete, and I went through lots of the post-game bits to the point where I’m not at the Final Final (?) Boss, but I got destroyed so thoroughly that I think I need to grind a lot to be able to rise up to the challenge. I’m not sure if I have that in me, but I also want to be able to resolve the story in the new way that the post-game offers !! Hurrr. |
Air I did a full replay of the visual novel Air (2000), doing all the routes for the first time. I got into Air via the anime adaptation when I was 13ish, and I still think it’s one of my most favourite pieces of media/art ever. I love the escalating fantasy elements woven into the melancholy of life and trauma in a small seaside town, and all this against the backdrop of a monumental curse + mythology of the winged ones spanning a thousand years. Misuzu breaking down because the vastness of the accumulated memories of all the winged ones before her are too monumental for her human body to hold resonated with so much of my thoughts about the human perceptual system and longing for something that’s outside of its boundaries... I also really enjoyed all the routes of the game – maybe Minagi’s the most (aside from the true route). No need to say that the soundtrack is of course phenomenal. I’m going to stop here because this is already too long. |
My plans for 2025 media:
🌟 Play more Key visual novels, esp. Maeda Jun
🌟 Play non-Key visual novels!
🌟 Play Star Ocean 6 (my partner worked on it!)
🌟 Go to the cinema more
🌟 Read more books in Hungarian
🌟 Read The brothers Karamazov
🌟 Play more Key visual novels, esp. Maeda Jun
🌟 Play non-Key visual novels!
🌟 Play Star Ocean 6 (my partner worked on it!)
🌟 Go to the cinema more
🌟 Read more books in Hungarian
🌟 Read The brothers Karamazov